Marana Dyargali (marana - first; dyargali - mark/etch/scratch) is a unique collection of zines on Indigenous research ethics and the intersection of protocols and practice. It seeks to explore the issues and dynamics that arise at the interface of Indigenous ways of knowing, protocols and the ethics processes of the academy. Each account draws on the practical experience of University of Technology Sydney researchers and senior research ethics staff from across the institution; providing rich examples of the multiple ethical decisions made by researchers over the lifetime of a study.
The book was created as a space of sacredness, a moment of stopping and honouring people engaging with Indigenous research ethics through their practice. While written with Higher Degree Research candidates in mind, the insights will be relevant to all researchers. The digital version of this publication was designed for non-linear exploration and does not seek to impose a particular reading order. We encourage readers to create their own pathway through the content and to pause, read and reflect at their own pace.
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Thorpe, K et al. (eds.) 2024. Marana Dyargali. Sydney: UTS ePRESS. DOI:
This book is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives 4.0 license. Copyright is retained by the author(s)
This book has not undergone external peer review. See our Peer Review Policies for more information.
Published on Nov. 29, 2024
978-1-923373-05-1 |