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    Suggest a new journal

    To suggest a new journal, please email UTS ePRESS at utsepress@uts.edu.au and include in that email the following information:


    Email Address:

    Phone Number:


    Proposed title of the work:

    Please indicate the intended publication frequency per annum:

    For existing serial publications, please indicate the current publisher and ISSN and provide a link to the latest issue (where applicable):

    List the disciplinary field/s which apply to the work:

    Brief description of the scholarly or creative scope of the work:

    Unique approach or contribution to its relevant disciplinary/research area:

    Intended audience:

    Please indicate the peer review method for the work:

    Single Blind

    Double Blind



    Has this proposal been approved by a Management Committee / Editorial Board?

    If so, has the committee/board agreed to continue oversight of the work beyond the current year?



    Proposed editorial board for serial publications:

    What copyright licence will apply to the journal articles? (Please note: UTS ePRESS encourages the use of Creative Commons licences, and in particular, the Creative Commons Attribution licence for serial publications )

    Has this work been produced on the basis of commission or research funding provided by a source outside of your primary employer/organisation?



    If yes, please give details.

    Has any other form of third party/external funds been provided to produce this work?



    If yes, please indicate the name of, and type/s of, funding.

    We require this information to assess any potential conflict of interest.

    Any other information relevant to your submission: