The Framing of Gender-Based Violence Discourses in Mainstream Development: From a Human Rights Violation to a Development Barrier
Astrid Escrig-Pinol
Chapter from the book: Randell, S et al. 2021. Gender and Learning in Rwanda.
Chapter from the book: Randell, S et al. 2021. Gender and Learning in Rwanda.
This chapter discusses the emergence of gender-based violence (GBV) as a grassroots women’s organizations’ concern, and how it later became a human rights issue and a priority in the mainstream development agenda. The anti-GBV movement is deeply rooted in a human rights approach and on defending the right of women to a life free of violence. However, mainstream development and governmental initiatives have increasingly framed the fight against GBV in instrumental terms, situating GBV as an obstacle to development. The chapter uses a feminist lens to critically analyse mainstream discourses and their implications for policy and development programs aimed at reducing GBV rates.
Escrig-Pinol, A. 2021. The Framing of Gender-Based Violence Discourses in Mainstream Development: From a Human Rights Violation to a Development Barrier. In: Randell, S et al (eds.), Gender and Learning in Rwanda. Sydney: UTS ePRESS. DOI:
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Published on Sept. 28, 2021